Al-Talib Newsmagazine was established in 1990 by Muslim UCLA students, making it the first student-run Muslim publication in America. The news magazine is part of Student Media UCLA. Staff members are all students and the writers are current students or alumni.
At the height of print media, Al-Talib printed 40,000 issues four times a year and distributed en masse to over 40 states covering most major cities. However, recent shifts in technology and journalism leads the news magazine to move toward online-based publishing, with an aspiration to create a constant and relevant web presence.
Al-Talib provides an independent perspective on issues important to Muslim communities. Targeting a college-age audience, we seek to create an outlet for activism and creativity on and off campus, a platform for representation of all facets of the Muslim-American communities and a safe space for sensitive topics. We believe that this sort of dialogue, no matter how uncomfortable it may be at times, is necessary in order for our community to appreciate and celebrate its diversity.