UCLA Radio is looking for Spring 2025 Interns!
Use this application to creatively show us how you would be an active member of UCLA Radio. Be yourself, and have fun with it! The goal of this application is to get a sense of who you are and how you could uniquely and originally contribute to the station. We are looking for interns with enthusiasm and new ideas for improving how we use our platform!
Please be aware of the commitment involved with joining Radio. For Spring Quarter 2025, interns will be expected to attend mandatory intern meetings on Wednesday evenings from 7-8 pm, attend regular department meetings and UCLA Student Media workshops, all-station meetings, and other potential events/socials. There will also be regular creative, station-related tasks and projects. Most interns find all of these engagements fun and rewarding, but if you don’t have the time, please consider applying in a future quarter! If you are accepted, we will expect that you attend the first intern class on Wednesday, April 16th.
You may complete two applications maximum. If you are accepted as an intern, you will not be required to stay in the department you applied for after intern quarter. Radio members are encouraged to explore all departments fully, and switch or contribute to multiple if they wish. Members of any department are welcome to have a show on-air.
MUSIC The Music department amplifies new and noteworthy artists internally and externally! We do this by: -Scouting and booking local artists to perform at UCLA Radio events (A&R). -Reviewing song submissions to be considered for airplay on our weekly show. -Creating playlists for the UCLA Radio Spotify. -Cataloging and curating the station’s music library.
NOTE: All new UCLA Radio members are considered "interns" during their first quarter, regardless of department. The designation of intern or staff on each application is arbitrary; there is no difference.
Questions? Email us at radio.interns@media.ucla.edu!