
  • Category:
    Copy Intern
  • Deadline:
    Oct. 9, 2023, noon

Ha’Am has been the official student-run Jewish newsmagazine at UCLA since 1972. We are a hybrid, online and print publication that aims to inform both the UCLA student body and the larger Los Angeles community of Jewish happenings and opinions on campus. Our team strives to uphold Jewish values and to instill within our ranks journalistic integrity of the highest order. Together, we engage and grapple with our tradition in the hopes of enriching our diverse experiences.

As a copy editor for Ha'Am Newsmagazine, you will review and edit newsmagazine articles. You will correct any grammatical mistakes and ensure that each article is primed to be posted on the Ha'Am website or printed in our newsmagazine. Being a member of the editing team is a great way to grow your editing skills, engage with the Jewish community at UCLA, and become part of a team.